NOKE 2022
Crowbar Awards 2002 Bronze (Art Direction)Because of the pressure to do well for the ever-changing uncertain future, an increasing number of youths are experiencing anxious feelings and negative thoughts of varying severity and do not know what to appropriately do with it.
We found that youths feel empty and constantly tired in their fast-paced lifestyle which focuses on self improvement. However, youths remain ambitious and look forward to making a positive change for themselves and society.
Noke is a brand that explores with youths the thoughts and feelings they experience daily, through mindfulness, so they can appreciate their present! Noke wants youths to be content and positive in their outlook of life through many different seasons, good, or bad, or in between, putting mental health first.

Noke is the weird mental and emotional state many youths are in. Not okay. Okay. Okay but not okay. The weird mental and emotional state the target audience are in. An awkward, simple word.
The logo shows a hand coming out from inside to the outside, showing an awkward ‘okay’ sign. This signifies that there is someone in another world inside the hole, and they are signalling their feelings about how they are doing in there.
Mindful Vending Machine

The Mindful Vending Machine of everyday mindfulness products embodies the brand belief that mindfulness can be simple and easy, coming in any shape and size.
IG Page

Noke’s IG page connects with its target audience online and establishes and online presence for the brand.
Human Inside Realm Guide

Noke’s main experience comes in the form of a mindfulness guide which aims to make mindfulness a lifestyle for target audience. It is delivered monthly based on a subscription plan. Each guide has 4 sections, each for one week with daily mindfulness practices.
Travelling Essentials Products

Making the journey to better self-awareness smoother. These everyday comfort items support life and exploration.


An ongoing penpal event for subscribers. Write to another Noke enjoyer with prompts given monthly on the website. This is to encourage target audience to walk on the ‘inside’ together and create a sense of community.
Chat Stickers
